Sustainable profitable growth as a foundation
The Datwyler Group strives to deliver sustainable profitable growth for the benefit of its stakeholders as the foundation for adding long-term value and preserving corporate independence. As a responsible company, Datwyler wants to contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, Datwyler aims to reduce its consumption of resources and the volume of waste per revenue unit. Materiality lies with the Sealing Solutions division, which consumes over 95% of the Group's resources. In the 2017 reporting year, it was pos-sible to reduce relative consumption per unit of sales: Fuels -5%, electricity -0.4%, water -9.6% and waste -4.5%. Datwyler has thus achieved its self-defined objectives in terms of water consumption and waste volume.
Living up to our social responsibility
The Datwyler Group has been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2009. This is an initiative launched by the United Nations stating ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and combating corruption. As a UN Global Compact participant, Datwyler is committed to following the ten principles and to accepting its responsibility within society. This endeavour is based on the Datwyler values and the Code of Conduct, which lay down globally binding rules for all Datwyler Group employees. Through responsible management of resource use and other sustainability issues, Datwyler believes that it will create added value for its customers, stand out from its competitors, become more attractive to employees and meet societal requirements.