Code of Conduct
Clear guidelines for traditional standards
Over 100 years of innovation for the benefit of our customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders – this distinguishes us – the Datwyler Group.
During this time, our group has been transformed from a Swiss family business to an internationally active corporation. Due to our strong roots, we have developed our own style with high standards and our own independent values.
As an international group with subsidiaries and sales activities spread across the globe, it is important that our principles of conduct are binding and that violations are sanctioned accordingly. We still rely on all employees and suppliers of the Datwyler Group keeping to the highest ethical standards. In the event of ambiguities in day-to-day operational life, the Code of Conduct serves as a practical guideline.
Basic Principles
Every employee must abide by the laws, avoid discrimination or harassment and act with respect and integrityDatwyler as an employer
Datwyler supports its employees and provides fair working conditions as well as a safe and healthy work environment.Dealings
Any interaction with business partners and third parties must comply with competition and anti-trust laws. We do not offer or accept free services.Conflicts of interest must be avoided
So any and all amounts paid outside an employee’s responsibilities or activities must be approved by Datwyler.Company assets & information
Company assets and information may be used only for business purposes. Datwyler and its employees must conduct themselves in a manner appropriate in terms of the Insider Trading Act and data protection.Environment & society
Datwyler respects the environment and uses sustainable resources, materials and technologies.
Please see the complete code of conduct for the Datwyler Group:
Please see the complete code of conduct for Datwyler suppliers:
Human Rights
Datwyler is committed to high standards of business ethics and integrity, including supporting and respecting human rights and labor standards. To further formalize and clarify our commitment to support and respect human rights through responsible business practices that are aligned with internationally recognized human rights standards, our Board of Directors and Executive Management adopted a globally applicable Human Rights Policy in 2023, which also sets out our human rights due diligence (HRDD).
Tax strategy
With its long-term management approach and commitment to sustainability, Datwyler is dedicated to fulfilling its social responsibility. With its public tax strategy, the company commits not to engage in aggressive tax planning (exploitation of harmful tax practices) and activities and actions that constitute tax evasion or tax fraud. With regard to taxes, Datwyler takes a business-oriented approach based on functions, assets and operating risks, which ensures that the company pays an appropriate amount of taxes in each jurisdiction in which it operates. You can find out more about this in our publicly available tax strategy.
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of Dätwyler Holding Inc.: 52990096G2IJ89SWI669
Reporting process
Datwyler is aware of its responsibility for ethically impeccable business practices. That is why we joined the UN Global Compact back in 2009 and have committed ourselves to comply with its ten principles on human rights, labour practices, environmental protection and anti-corruption. To ensure proper conduct, we have a standardized compliance reporting process, which is recorded in writing and available on the intranet for management and employees.
Articles of Association
The basis for organizational, management and control principles
The articles of association of Datwyler Holding AG form the basis of the organizational, management and control principles of the Datwyler Group. Our articles of association are available for download here.
With standards on topics such as environment, safety and quality, we ensure trust among consumers, customers and partners.