Dätwyler Holding Inc. held its 60th Annual General Meeting on Tuesday evening 6 March 2018 at the theater (uri) Tellspielhaus in Altdorf. The shareholders who attended approved all proposals put forward by the Board of Directors.
Given a continued increase in profitability and prospects that look promising, the Annual General Meeting decided on a dividend of CHF 3.00 per bearer share (previous year: CHF 2.20) and CHF 0.60 per registered share (previous year: 0.44). This represents an increase of 36.4% and a pay-out ratio of 41.2% of the net result. The dividend will be paid as from 12 March 2018 upon presentation of Coupon No. 12. On 8 March 2018, the shares will trade without entitlement to dividend (the ex-date).
Long-standing board member Ernst Odermatt no longer stood for re-election due to his age. The General Meeting elected Claude R. Cornaz as his successor to the Board of Directors. Claude R. Cornaz successfully led the Vetropack Group from 2000 until the end of 2017, as CEO and Delegate of the Board of Directors. He will be proposed as Chairman at the upcoming Vetropack General Meeting in April 2018. Since 2002, Claude R. Cornaz has also served as a Director of the listed Bucher Industries Group.
The other Directors were re-elected for another one-year term. The separate meeting of bearer shareholders elected Jürg Fedier as their representative on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will continue to consist of seven members. Hanspeter Fässler, Gabi Huber and Claude R. Cornaz were elected as members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. Finally, the general meeting appointed KPMG as the new auditor.