This non-financial report has been established in accordance with Art. 964a et. seq. of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO). As per the Swiss Code of Obligations, companies are required to report annually on non-financial concerns and implement a due diligence process to cover potential child labor and conflict minerals risks. This applies for the first time in the business year of 2023, with companies publishing the first reports in 2024 (as this present one). With regard to conflict minerals due diligence, after evaluation it has been determined that this is a topic not applicable to Datwyler, since we do not import any of the materials in scope (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold). However, we cannot exclude the possibility that traces of some of these materials are present in certain metal-based materials that we purchase, but the import and processing volumes are definitely well below the threshold values.
With regard to child labor due diligence, Datwyler makes use of the exception of the law and adheres to the international standards in their entirety, which means that we are implementing a Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) process according to international standards, namely the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The content of the non-financial report is based on the legal requirements set out by the CO and focuses on environmental matters, social matters, labor matters, respect for human rights, and combating corruption. However, since it is structured according to our twelve focus topics, the following CO reference table should serve as a guide.